Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Biopsy changed the patient 's destiny

Dear Friends. Today I want to share one story of a patient where Biopsy changed the clinical diagnosis.
My aim is to highlight role of biopsy which at times many of our  patients are reluctant in providing the consent for the procedure.

A  young male presented with history of Jaundice of 3 weeks duration and weight loss to our hospital few years back. The patient denied viral prodrome or offending drug intake. He was non alcoholic 
After a base line LFT and USG abdomen CT scan abdomen was done which revealed Cholangiocarcinoma. (Cancer of bile ducts) Surgery consultation was taken but the tumor was inoperable due to its vascular invasion. There is limited role of chemotherapy in this condition 
That evening  I had a detailed discussion with the family regarding his poor outcome. 
Ibrahim, now as this person is sadly inoperable get his fine needle aspiration (FNAC) done said the Consultant incharge

There was not an iota of suspicion in diagnosis ( obstructive Jaundice, weight loss and Tumor on CT) but to our great surprise patient turned out to have Tuberculosis of bile ducts completely treatable disease. (AFB positive, caseating granulomas) 
This U turn in diagnosis was a great delight to the treating team.
We saw him recovering on ATT gaining weight and his  Jaundice regressed and finally he lived happily thereafter.
May God keep all of you healthy. Never be reluctant in providing the consent for biopsy in your patient when asked for the procedure.